Hey guys so I thought of a new section.
I always wanted to learn korean with the help of k-pop but never found anything on the internet so, I decided to take one k-pop MV at a time and try to make something like a lesson.
My korean is not that good but, maybe together we can learn a lot more.
Are you ready to learn some Kpoprean?
I thought I'll start the first lesson with the last k-pop MV I saw, Girl's Day's 'Something'.
If you haven't seen it yet, check it down below
[Minah] Don’t you look
Into my eyes and lie again
Im sick of being alone
*Well at least we understand this part hehe*
1sr verse [Sojin] Heundeullineun pyojeong maltue
Heundeullineun- Shaking
I remembered this word (but used as a verb) from AOA's Confused MV.They repeat the word 4 times so it's really easy to memorize.
Check out for yourself at min 1:12
maltue = speech/way of talking
And when we put all the words together
Heundeullineun pyojeong maltue=Your shaking face and words
Let's move on to the second verse
Neon mwonga inneun deutae
neon= neo + n-topic of the sentence
Neon mwonga inneun deutae-Seems like something is up
neon= neo + n-topic of the sentence
deutae-it seems
Neon mwonga inneun deutae-Seems like something is up
(this phrase was really tricky,don't know where the neon went)
3red verse: [Minah] Ne mome bein natseon hyanggie
And if you want to say stranger just put saram(person) next to natseon......stranger=natseon saram
And if you want to say stranger just put saram(person) next to natseon......stranger=natseon saram
So I guess Al Pacino's movie 'Scent of a woman' would be called Yeoja hyanggie hihi
Ne mome bein natseon hyanggie-A strange scent is all over your body (I couldn't find a translation for bein but I guess it means all over?)
4th verse: Mwongae hollin deutae
we have mwonga again which means something
and we have again deutae which means it seems
we have mwonga again which means something
and we have again deutae which means it seems
Mwongae hollin deutae-Seems like you’re possessed by something
So now if you want a certaib word but you forgot it just sing the song and remember.
What did you guys think of the lesson?Did you liked it?Should I continue to trabslate Girl's Day's 'Something'?
Pretty please leave a comment sharing your opinion on the matter
Oh and also if you spot a mistake please let me know so I can correct it
Lyrics translation:kpoplyrics.net
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