Kpoprean Lesson 1

Hey guys so I thought of a new section.
I always wanted to learn korean with the help of k-pop but never found anything on the internet so, I decided to take one k-pop MV at a time and try to make something like a lesson.
My korean is not that good but, maybe together we can learn a lot more.
Are you ready to learn some Kpoprean?

I thought I'll start the first lesson with the last k-pop MV I saw, Girl's Day's 'Something'.
If you haven't seen it yet, check it down below

[Minah] Don’t you look
Into my eyes and lie again
Im sick of being alone
*Well at least we understand this part hehe*

1sr verse [Sojin] Heundeullineun pyojeong maltue

Heundeullineun- Shaking 

I remembered this word (but used as a verb) from AOA's Confused MV.They repeat the word 4 times so it's really easy to memorize.
Check out for yourself at min 1:12

pyojeong = expression

maltue = speech/way of talking

And when we put all the words together 

Heundeullineun pyojeong maltue=Your shaking face and words

Let's move on to the second verse

Neon mwonga inneun deutae

neon= neo + n-topic of the sentence


deutae-it seems

Neon mwonga inneun deutae-Seems like something is up
(this phrase was really tricky,don't know where the neon went)

3red verse: [Minah] Ne mome bein natseon hyanggie



And if you want to say stranger just put saram(person) next to natseon......stranger=natseon saram

So I guess Al Pacino's movie 'Scent of a woman' would be called Yeoja hyanggie hihi

Ne mome bein natseon hyanggie-A strange scent is all over your body (I couldn't find a translation for bein but I guess it means all over?)

4th verse: Mwongae hollin deutae

we have mwonga again which means something


and we have again deutae which means it seems

Mwongae hollin deutae-Seems like you’re possessed by something

So now if you want a certaib word but you forgot it just sing the song and remember.

What did you guys think of the lesson?Did you liked it?Should I continue to trabslate Girl's Day's 'Something'?
Pretty please leave a comment sharing your opinion on the matter

Oh and also if you spot a mistake please let me know so I can correct it



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